Founding Member & Managing Partner at Gina Corena & Associates

Practice Areas: Personal Injury

Las Vegas, known for its 24-hour lifestyle, presents hidden dangers with its constant activity. The city’s non-stop entertainment and night-shift work culture contribute to driver fatigue, elevating the risk of drowsy driving accidents. The blend of work and leisure disrupts natural sleep patterns, leading to sleep deprivation among residents and workers, including those in the casino and transportation sectors.

The impact on road safety is significant, with fatigue impairing reaction times and decision-making abilities. To mitigate these risks, initiatives such as public awareness campaigns, educational programs on the importance of sleep, and enforced rest periods for night-shift workers are vital. Recognizing the signs of fatigue and prioritizing rest are crucial steps in preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of all who travel the city’s streets.

Key Highlights On Las Vegas 24/7 Lifestyle and Distracted Driving

Drowsy driving, exacerbated by Las Vegas’ 24/7 lifestyle, leads to significant accidents and economic costs. The main risk factors for these crashes include driving during late night or early morning, being the sole driver, and traveling on highways or rural roads. These conditions, especially prevalent in a city like Las Vegas, align with the body’s natural sleep cycle and increase the likelihood of fatigue-related accidents.

Sleep deprivation affects drivers by slowing reaction times, reducing vigilance, impairing decision-making, and causing microsleeps. Recognizing symptoms of fatigue, such as yawning, lane drifting, and missing exits, is essential for preventing accidents.

To mitigate the risks of drowsy driving, it’s vital to prioritize sleep, take breaks on long trips, avoid alcohol and sleep-inducing medications before driving, and share driving responsibilities. These measures can significantly reduce the incidence of drowsy driving accidents, improving road safety in Las Vegas.

The Drowsy Driving Epidemic – Some Statistics

Annual sleep-related crashes328,000 (AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety)
Fatigue-related crash costs$109 billion per year (NHTSA)
Drowsy driving fatalities (2021)684 (8.2% increase from previous year)

What are the dangerous effects of sleep deprivation on drivers? 

Sleep deprivation has several dangerous effects on drivers, including reduced reaction time, diminished vigilance, impaired decision-making, and the occurrence of microsleeps. 

These factors significantly increase the risk of accidents, as drowsy drivers are more likely to drift from their lanes, fail to detect slowed or stopped vehicles, and struggle to respond to unexpected hazards on the road.

Drowsy Driving and Fatigued Driving Statistics

Drowsy driving poses a significant risk on the roads, often underestimated compared to drunk driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported 684 deaths due to drowsy driving in 2021, marking an 8.2% increase from the previous year. Financially, the NHTSA estimates that fatigue-related crashes cost society $109 billion annually, not including property damage.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (AAA-FTS) estimates that 328,000 sleep-related crashes happen each year, far exceeding police-reported incidents. These statistics highlight the severe consequences of driving while fatigued, including major injuries and fatalities. The data underlines the urgent need to address and mitigate the risks associated with drowsy driving.

Crashes and Fatalities

Sleepiness can lead to traffic collisions at any hour, yet certain conditions are particularly conducive to such incidents. Understanding these factors is crucial for addressing and preventing sleepy driving accidents.

Drunk driving accidents predominantly take place in the late afternoon or between midnight and six in the morning. This pattern also holds for accidents caused by sleepiness, as these times coincide with natural decreases in alertness due to the body’s circadian rhythms. The circadian rhythm, an internal biological clock, regulates sleep patterns and causes periods of decreased alertness or dips at specific times of the day, often during the late-night and early-morning hours.

Crashes and Fatalities

These dips in alertness can lead to accidents characterized by specific patterns. Such crashes typically involve a single driver, without any passengers, who veers off the road at high speeds without attempting to stop. This suggests a sudden loss of control, likely due to falling asleep or severe attention lapses caused by fatigue. Moreover, these incidents occur predominantly on highways and rural roads, where drivers may be more susceptible to monotony and less likely to have stimulating interactions or changes in the driving environment that could help maintain alertness.

The isolated nature of these roads and the lack of external stimuli contribute to the risk of drowsy driving incidents. The high speeds often maintained on highways and rural roads exacerbate the potential for severe outcomes when a driver falls asleep or becomes inattentive. Therefore, these areas are frequent scenes of high-speed crashes involving fatigued drivers, underscoring the need for targeted preventive measures in such locations.

Scope of the Problem

Fatigue significantly impacts public safety, health, and quality of life in America, leading to poor performance, vehicular accidents, workplace mishaps, and health issues. The causes of exhaustion vary, from childcare and work demands to social activities and lengthy travels. These factors contribute to reduced alertness, impaired decision-making, and an increased risk of accidents and long-term health problems.

The challenge of preventing drowsy driving is exacerbated by a culture that prioritizes continuous activity and productivity, often at the expense of sleep. Addressing this issue requires a cultural shift to prioritize rest and understand the dangers of drowsy driving.

While “drowsy,” “sleepy,” and “fatigued” are often used interchangeably, they represent different aspects of tiredness, affecting an individual’s ability to function and increasing the risk of drowsy driving. Effective communication and education on these distinctions and their impact on driving safety are essential for mitigating the problem.

The Dangerous Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation has perilous effects on drivers, significantly impairing their abilities and increasing the likelihood of accidents on the road.

Reduced Reaction Time:

Sleep deprivation drastically affects a driver’s reaction time. When fatigued, drivers may not respond quickly enough to changing traffic conditions, such as sudden lane changes, unexpected obstacles, or abrupt turns. The delay in reacting can lead to collisions that could have been avoided with quicker response times. As reaction time slows, the ability to assess and respond to risks in a timely manner diminishes, making even routine driving situations potentially hazardous.

Diminished Vigilance:

Lack of sleep affects a driver’s vigilance, akin to the effects of alcohol impairment. This reduced state of alertness leads to a decreased focus on the road and the surrounding traffic conditions. Drivers may miss important cues or signs that indicate potential danger, such as traffic lights changing, pedestrians crossing, or other vehicles braking suddenly. As a result, the probability of being involved in an accident escalates due to the diminished capacity to monitor and react to the driving environment.

Impaired Decision-Making:

Fatigue negatively impacts the cognitive function of drivers, making it more challenging to make quick, sound decisions. In situations requiring rapid assessment and judgment, such as navigating through heavy traffic or responding to sudden weather changes, sleep-deprived drivers may struggle to choose the best course of action. Their ability to judge speed, distance, and the movement of other vehicles is compromised, increasing the risk of misjudgments and consequent accidents.


Drivers suffering from severe sleep deprivation may experience microsleeps – brief, involuntary episodes of sleep lasting from a fraction of a second to several seconds. During these episodes, a driver is essentially unconscious and unable to respond to environmental stimuli. Microsleeps are particularly dangerous because they can occur without the driver’s awareness, leading to a total loss of control of the vehicle. The occurrence of microsleeps while driving can result in devastating accidents, as the driver is incapacitated, however briefly, at critical moments.

How Drowsy Driving Leads to Accidents

Drowsy driving significantly increases the risk of road accidents due to various impairments in the driver’s abilities.

Slipping Away from Lanes:Tired drivers often exhibit reduced motor skills and diminished concentration, making it difficult for them to maintain their lane position. This lapse in control can lead to drifting across road lines, resulting in head-on or side-swipe collisions with other vehicles. The likelihood of such incidents increases with the level of fatigue, as the driver’s ability to focus on the driving task and stay within lane boundaries decreases. These types of accidents can be particularly dangerous, leading to severe injuries or fatalities, especially at high speeds on highways.

Rear-end Crashes:Drowsy drivers, due to reduced alertness and slower reaction times, frequently fail to notice when the traffic ahead has slowed down or stopped. This lack of attention often results in rear-end crashes, where the fatigued driver collides with the vehicle in front of them. These accidents are common in congested traffic conditions and can cause significant damage and injury, even at lower speeds. The delayed reaction time of a drowsy driver means they might not brake in time to avoid the crash, or in some cases, they might not brake at all.

Unable to Respond to Dangers: Fatigue impairs a driver’s ability to quickly and effectively respond to sudden or unexpected road situations, such as obstacles, abrupt stops in traffic, or changes in road conditions. Slower cognitive processing and delayed physical responses mean that fatigued drivers are less capable of evading potential hazards, increasing the likelihood of accidents. This inability to react promptly or appropriately to dynamic road conditions can lead to collisions that a well-rested and alert driver could have avoided.

Startling Data Regarding Inattentive Driving

Inattentive driving, particularly due to sleepiness, represents a significant danger on the roads, as evidenced by alarming statistics:

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that in 2017, sleepy driving was a factor in approximately 91,000 police-reported crashes. This figure highlights the extent of the issue, showing that drowsy driving is not an isolated problem but a widespread hazard affecting thousands of road users annually.

Startling Data Regarding Inattentive Driving

The impact of these crashes is profound, with about 50,000 individuals sustaining injuries in incidents attributed to drowsy driving. These injuries range from minor to severe, affecting not only the drivers involved but also passengers, pedestrians, and other road users. The repercussions of these injuries can have long-lasting effects on the victims’ health and quality of life.

Furthermore, nearly 800 fatalities were reported in the same year due to drowsy driving-related accidents. This loss of life underscores the lethal potential of driving while fatigued, placing it as a critical public safety concern. Each statistic represents not just a number, but a life, a family, and a community affected by the preventable consequences of inattentive driving.

Identifying Driver Fatigue Symptoms

Identifying driver fatigue is crucial for preventing drowsy driving accidents. Key symptoms include:

  • Frequent Yawning or Blinking: These are early signs of sleepiness, indicating that the body needs rest.
  • Memory Lapses: Forgetting recent parts of the journey, or “highway hypnosis,” shows reduced attention and alertness.
  • Lane Drifting: Difficulty maintaining lane position suggests impaired motor skills and focus.
  • Hitting Rumble Strips: Encountering the road’s edge or rumble strips signals that the vehicle is veering off course.
  • Missing Exits or Signs: Overlooking road signs or exits reflects a decline in the driver’s ability to process and react to driving information.

Prompt recognition and response to these symptoms, like taking a break or switching drivers, are vital for safe driving.

Keeping Tired Drivers Out of Danger

To prevent accidents caused by drowsiness, a collective approach is essential. Here are strategies to keep tired drivers safe:

Set priorities. Sleep is crucial:
Ensuring adequate rest before embarking on a journey, especially for long distances, is vital. Drivers should prioritize getting a full night’s sleep to restore their alertness and readiness for the demands of driving.

Take Rest Periods:
During extended trips, it’s important to take regular breaks. These pauses allow drivers to refuel both their vehicle and their body, stretch to alleviate physical stiffness, and relax to refresh their mind. Rest periods help in maintaining concentration and preventing fatigue over long distances.

Steer clear of alcohol and medications:
Certain medications and alcohol have sedative effects that can significantly impair a driver’s ability to remain alert. Avoiding these substances before and during driving is crucial, as they can exacerbate tiredness and reduce reaction times.

Distribute Driving Accountabilities:
When traveling with others, sharing driving responsibilities can help prevent fatigue. Rotating drivers allows each person to rest and recuperate, ensuring that the person behind the wheel is always alert and well-rested.

Make an Overnight Travel Plan:
For journeys that span overnight hours, planning ahead to include overnight stays at hotels or designated rest areas can be lifesaving. This approach allows drivers to get adequate sleep and resume their journey refreshed, reducing the risk of drowsy driving.

These measures highlight the importance of planning and responsibility in preventing tired drivers from becoming a danger on the roads. By prioritizing sleep, taking breaks, avoiding sedatives, sharing driving duties, and planning for overnight rests, drivers can significantly reduce the risks associated with drowsy driving.

Tips to Drive Alert

Driving alert requires several important practices, with adequate sleep being the cornerstone of safe driving. Here are some essential tips to ensure alertness behind the wheel:

Prioritize Sleep:
Experts recommend seven to eight hours of sleep per night to fend off the impairments associated with sleep deprivation. Consistent, quality sleep helps maintain the cognitive functions necessary for safe driving, such as reaction time, decision-making, and attention.

Plan Ahead for Long Trips:
Before embarking on a long journey, especially with family, ensure a good night’s sleep the previous night. Driving fatigued not only risks your safety and that of your passengers but also endangers other road users.

Address Teen Sleep Needs:
Teenagers often face a biological shift that increases their need for sleep, yet many do not get the required rest. This lack of sleep can be particularly dangerous when they drive, increasing the risk of drowsy driving on longer trips. It’s crucial to educate teenagers on the importance of sufficient sleep before driving.

Avoid Alcohol Before Driving:
Alcohol exacerbates tiredness and impairs driving ability, even more, when combined with fatigue. It’s important to avoid alcohol before driving to prevent the added risk of drowsiness and impairment.

Check Medication Labels:
Both prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause drowsiness. Always read the labels to identify any potential sedative effects. If you need to take such medications, consider alternatives to driving, like public transportation, or plan your travel when the medication’s sedative effects are minimal.

Avoid Peak Drowsiness Times:
Try to steer clear of driving during late afternoon and early morning hours (midnight to six a.m.), when the risk of drowsiness is highest. If you must drive during these times, especially alone, be extra vigilant for signs of fatigue, such as drifting across lanes or hitting rumble strips.

Staying Vigilant in the City That Never Sleeps: Final Thoughts

Las Vegas’ non-stop lifestyle significantly increases the risk of driver fatigue and drowsy driving accidents. Recognizing the dangers and staying vigilant against the signs of tiredness is crucial for safety.

Understanding the Risks:

In a city active at all hours, the likelihood of sleep deprivation and its consequent risks on the road escalates. Awareness of these hazards is the first step in prevention.

Identifying Warning Signs:

Noticing early signs of fatigue, like persistent yawning and difficulty maintaining lane discipline, is key to taking timely action, such as resting or switching drivers.

Taking Proactive Measures:

Ensuring sufficient rest and planning travel to avoid peak fatigue times are vital strategies for preventing drowsy driving. Both individuals and organizations can contribute to a culture of safety by emphasizing the importance of sleep.

Community Effort for Safety:

A community-wide approach is necessary to effectively address the issue of drowsy driving in Las Vegas. This includes promoting safe driving initiatives and providing resources to combat fatigue.

Staying alert and prioritizing safety allows everyone to enjoy the vibrant life of Las Vegas without compromising on road safety. By being proactive and responsible, we can help ensure safer travel for all in the city that never sleeps.

Get the Legal Help You Need To Safeguard Yourself and Your Loved Ones

If you or a loved one has been involved in a drowsy driving accident in Las Vegas, it is crucial to seek the guidance of an experienced personal injury attorney. 

At Gina Corena & Associates, our dedicated team is committed to fighting for the rights of accident victims and helping them secure the compensation they deserve. 

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you navigate the legal process and protect your interests.

As founder of Gina Corena & Associates, she is dedicated to fighting for the rights of the people who suffer life-changing personal injuries in car, truck and motorcycle accidents as well as other types of personal injury. Gina feels fortunate to serve the Nevada community and hold wrongdoers accountable for their harm to her clients.

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    - Deb Compton

  • Gina and her crew are truly amazing. They exceeded my expectations. They kept in contact with me throughout the whole time and any questions I did have They would take the time and explain everything so I would know what to expect. I would highly recommend them at any time.

    - Chris S

  • Thank you very much for the services everyone answered every single one of my calls and this firm took care of me from start to finish. Thank you so much Gina for taking on my case and assisting me I will recommend you to everyone.

    - Sayra Sánchez

  • I rarely do reviews but I want to share what an outstanding team Gina Corena has. Mahna Pourshaban did such an awesome job In helping us get our settlement, she has treated us like family since day 1 that we met her.. Me and my family want to tell u guys thank u from the bottom of our hearts.

    - The LOPEZ Family

  • Working with Gina was An amazing feeling as the client to know that my case is being handled professionally and to the best it can be ! Knowing that Gina can handle it gave me confidence and peace, 100 percent recommend Gina and her associates team !

    - Jonathan Rodriguez

  • GINA CORENA is the best attorney indeed! Thank you to her amazing team the attention to detail I received was incredible. 100% recommend to everyone!

    - Clara Maria

  • My experience with Gina Corena’s office was amazing. They were all professional and were easy to reach out to during my whole case. I’d recommend their services 10/10!!

    - Mark Surban

  • I'm really satisfied with the work these ladies provide. They’re Super reliable and Professional, Alexandra was the one that helped me with my case and she’s super nice and sweet. She made sure I was aware about all the updates with my case. Overall the work they provide to the citizens of Las Vegas is top notch. Thank you Gina Corena and associates.

    - Gil Axel

  • This is the best company I have dealt with hands down. I am super thankful with them for all the work they did on behalf of my case. The process was rather simple and very well explained from start to finish. Thank you so much Gina Corena &. Associates. Thank you Kim for assisting in my case.

    - Raidel Echavarria

  • I received nothing but top notch service from this firm not once but twice please keep up the outstanding job customer service is very important to me and your firm went above and beyond again THANK YOU

    - Freda Smith

  • Such a great law firm. This was my first time having to get a lawyer due to an auto accident and they explained all the ins and outs of my case and the process. I will definitively keep them in mind again for the future.

    -Alyssa Ortega

  • If I can give Gina’s firm 10 stars I would. They have the best customer service & most knowledgeable staff I’ve ever come across. The office is always clean and it has a lovely and positive vibe. Thank you to this amazing firm to make my experience fast and easy for me. Gina definitely knows how to care of her clients and treated me like family. I will recommended to my friends and family.

    -Cony Jordan


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