Neck Injury

Las Vegas Neck Injury Lawyer

Gina Corena and Associates - Corena Law

If you have been diagnosed with a neck injury following an accident or incident in Las Vegas, you may have the right to financial restitution. Find out how to best approach your case when you reach out to a reputable Las Vegas neck injury lawyer at Gina Corena & Associates for a free consultation at our law office. 

Common Types of Neck Injuries

When your neck suffers trauma, it can affect a number of different parts of your back, spinal discs, and the nerves controlling your upper body, arms, and neck. Neck injuries can take many forms depending on the portion of the neck that has been affected. Some of the more common types of neck injuries our firm has seen include

  • Whiplash
  • Neck strains
  • Cervical fractures 
  • Broken neck
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Pinched nerves
  • Soft-tissue damage
  • Neck sprains
  • Neck fractures
  • Torn ligaments
  • Thoracic and lumbar spine fractures
  • Herniated disc
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Facet joint injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Discogenic injuries

Injuries of this nature can often be debilitating and excruciatingly painful. You may not be able to go about your daily life with chronic pain associated with neck injuries. You might also find your day-to-day life severely limited. You may be unable to lift things, have limited mobility, and be unable to bend over easily.

Signs of Neck Injuries

Unfortunately, neck injuries can be severe even when they seem to be minor. There are many signs and symptoms of neck injuries that you may initially brush off. If you notice any of the following symptoms after an accident or incident, it is in your best interest to get a medical evaluation as soon as possible:

  • Numbness
  • Neck bruising
  • Pain
  • Headache
  • Stiffness
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Back pain
  • Trouble focusing 
  • Radiating pain in the shoulders
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Pins and needles sensations
  • Muscle spasms
  • Insomnia or trouble sleeping

These are only a few of the symptoms you might experience after a neck injury. Your physician will need to carefully examine your neck injury in order to determine which treatment option is going to be best for you. For some, treatment with over the counter medication or prescription strength drugs may be appropriate. But for others, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Many people who have suffered common neck injuries often see treatment from chiropractors and require physical rehabilitation in order to regain their range of motion and get back to their lives. It is not unusual for neck injury victims to notice a decline in their quality of life following their injuries. 

Common Causes of Neck Injuries in Las Vegas

Under the worst conditions, neck injuries can occur in any type of accident. But there are some accidents that have been known to produce neck injuries far more often than others. Some of the more common accidents and incidents that accident victims have suffered debilitating neck injuries in include:

  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Work injuries
  • Construction accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Car accidents
  • Other motor vehicle accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Premises liability accidents
  • Product liability claims
  • Nursing home abuse
  • Medical malpractice

If your neck injury was caused in an accident or incident that was not listed above, you may still be entitled to financial restitution. Contact our Las Vegas neck injury lawyers and personal injury attorneys today to find out what options are available to you.

Fault and Las Vegas Neck Injury Claims

One of the most important responsibilities your neck injury attorney will have is figuring out who is at fault for your injuries. In order to do this, your lawyer will need to closely review the circumstances of your case. The way in which your neck injury occurred will largely determine who is at fault for your damages.

For instance, if you were involved in a slip and fall accident at a major grocery store, your attorney might examine the following parties for culpability:

  • Store staff
  • Store management
  • The owner of the store
  • The store itself
  • Product manufacturers
  • Safety inspectors
  • Other third parties

Another example could be if you were involved in a car accident. Auto accidents often are caused by negligent drivers, negligent government agencies, irresponsible vehicle parts producers, and other reckless parties. After reviewing the evidence in your case, your lawyer will have a better understanding of which party or parties should be named as the defendants in your Las Vegas neck injury claim.

What to Do After a Neck Injury

Accidents that cause neck injuries are unique in that there may be very little that you can do to take action. And other types of accidents and injuries, we might recommend attempting to document the scene or obtain the contact information of witnesses. But neck injuries are different.

You will have no comprehension of the extent of your neck injury until you are evaluated by a medical professional. Even one wrong move could result in catastrophic injury. If you have suffered a neck injury, the most important thing you can do is remain still. Wait for law enforcement and medical professionals to arrive on scene. You do not want to risk becoming permanently paralyzed after suffering a critical neck injury.

Once you are declared stable by your healthcare provider, be sure to reach out to an attorney right away. Your lawyer will need to act quickly to obtain time sensitive evidence that could support your case. Once you have spoken with an attorney, you will have a better understanding of what you might expect next from your case. 

How to Recover Maximum Compensation for Your Neck Injuries

After your neck injury, you may be feeling confused and unsure of how to recover the compensation you need or how to hold the viable party accountable for their actions. The personal injury claims process for neck injury victims is different on a case by case basis. This is, in part, because there are so many different ways that neck injuries can occur, and every person’s neck injuries affect their lives in a different way.

If you hope to get the most out of your claim, you should be prepared to pursue compensation through multiple avenues. This means you may need to file claims with one or more insurance companies, and pursue civil claims against any and all parties who share fault for your injuries.

In doing so, you may be entitled to recovery of your economic and non-economic damages, in full. You have the right to be made whole. You should be repaid for every single loss. Some of the more commonly awarded damages in Las Vegas neck injury lawsuits include:

  • Disfigurement
  • Unexpected child care expenses
  • Costs of maintaining your home
  • Lost wages and loss of future earning capacity
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Costs of physical therapy
  • Scarring
  • Inconvenience
  • Loss of companionship and love
  • Loss of advice and society 
  • Damage to your personal and professional reputations
  • Medical bills 
  • Medical equipment and fees
  • Loss of guidance and support 
  • Property damages
  • Emotional distress

These are only a few of the different economic and non-economic  damages that may be eligible for recovery in your case. Find out how much your burn injury lawsuit and insurance claims are worth when you contact your attorney. 

Dealing With the Insurance Company After a Neck Injury

Unfortunately, the majority of neck injury victims will be forced to deal with the difficult process of insurance company negotiations. Depending on the way in which your neck injuries occurred, you may have the opportunity to recover compensation for your damages by filing a claim with the insurance company.

But do not expect the insurance company to settle your claim fairly. Many people believe that since the insurance adjuster is friendly and polite that their claims are more likely to be approved, and quickly. So they are shocked when their settlements are delayed or denied entirely.

Many insurance companies will argue that your neck injuries are not “severe enough“ to warrant compensation through an insurance claim. But this is not up to the insurance company to decide. Your Las Vegas burn injury attorney will be prepared to provide the supporting evidence needed to get your claim approved.

Your lawyer will show the insurance company how seriously you are taking your case. And we will never pressure you to accept an insurance settlement that is less than you deserve. We would rather prepare to bring your case to trial and recover full and fair restitution for your damages. That is justice.

Las Vegas Neck Injury FAQ

Your debilitating neck injuries may be consuming your life. You may have countless questions surrounding the legal consequences of what you have been through, who is at fault, and how you will get through these trying times. You have our legal support in guidance to help you overcome the odds.

With this in mind, below, we have answered some of the most common questions our clients have had regarding their Las Vegas neck injury and back injury claims. You may find that you have additional questions that were not answered on this page. If this is the case, be sure to contact a personal injury lawyer at our office today to get your specific questions answered.

What should I do if I feel neck pain after my accident?

If you begin to feel neck pain following your accident, it is critical that you be seen by a healthcare provider. Get in the ambulance and visit the emergency room, or make an appointment with your primary care doctor, chiropractor, or other trusted physician. There is a common misconception that serious injuries only appear immediately after an accident. 

But critical injuries can take time to manifest symptoms. And if you wait to be seen, your injuries could become far worse than they might have been if you had sought medical care at the first sign of pain. Furthermore, if you wait to be seen by a healthcare provider, you can expect the offender to attempt to use this detail to avoid being found liable for your injuries.

How come my neck pain didn’t appear until days after the accident?

It is far more common than you might think for neck pain to be delayed until days or even weeks after the accident. When you have been seriously injured in an accident, you may have internal trauma, and your body‘s natural hormonal state may not be in balance. 

When your adrenaline is off the charts and masking the pain, you may not be sure that you have suffered a neck injury until afterwards. For this reason, it is essential that you obtain a medical evaluation immediately after the accident that caused your neck injury. Failure to do so puts you at risk for suffering further or worsening neck injuries.

How long do I have to file my claim?

If you are hoping to pursue a neck injury lawsuit in Las Vegas, then you need to move quickly. The statute of limitations for neck injury and personal injury claims in the state of Nevada is only two years in most cases. This deadline can be extended to as much as three years if your neck injuries were caused through medical negligence. 

Be sure to avoid putting your injury settlement at risk. If your lawsuit is not filed before the statute of limitations expires, you will no longer have the right to seek compensation through the Nevada civil courts.

Reach Out To a Neck Injury Lawyer in Las Vegas Today

Your neck injuries could wind up having a considerable impact on your life for years to come. Should you be stuck covering the costs and dealing with the fallout of your injuries? Absolutely not. The liable party should compensate you for each and every loss. 

Get the legal advice and support you need. Contact an experienced Las Vegas neck injury lawyer at Gina Corena & Associates to find out what your case could be worth. 

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